Tuesday, November 11, 2008

spin me fast, get me drunk.

then please kiss me.

I have so many things in my head that really, really, need sorting out. Really.
Take last night for example, I had this really weird dream where I happened to just end up kissing three guys.
Guys I would never really think of kissing.
But then again, I have a boyfriend.
Who I did NOT kiss in said dream.
They were pretty bad kisses too.Yucky and awkward. Not sexy at all.
Maybe this is karma for kind-of cheating on Paddy in my dreams.
Yucky kisses with the strangest of people.

Oh. And somebody sorta cheated on me too. This is for you, you motherchucker.
[If I see you there with another girl again and you ignore me, I will stab you with my plastic fork and dump Carbonara and tasty chicken all over your dead body.]

I took the Polaroid down in my room
I'm pretty sure you have a new girlfriend
it's not as if I don't like you
it just makes me sad whenever I see it
cuz I like to be gone most of the time
and you like to be home most of the time
if I stay in one place I lose my mind
I'm a pretty impossible lady to be with.

Kimya Dawson has the best lyrics.

I love Karen Walker too...

"I'm not good or real... I'm evil, and imaginary. "

"Oh honey, I have a fake laugh with your name written all over it. "

"Well, well, well. Look what the cat cleaned up, showered, exfoliated, powdered, lipsticked, Gucci'd and dragged in. "

" [storming angrily out of the Principal's Office] You dragged me down to this God-forsaken place to tell me my kids made the Honor Roll? Honey, my time is precious, call me when one of them gives birth at the prom! "

[credits: blackfia.multiply.com for the pic.]

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