Friday, December 26, 2008


I know right? I checked out his facebook and his "friend" (I'm totally getting busted for this!!) posted on his wall! (Awwww.. Soo cute.) I was shocked to the highest power that I freaked.. Okay. Enough. Giving myself away already!
I like reading celebrity blogs. And a certain blog makes me wanna eat cake. Guess, guess. Anyway, I was following Lily Allen's blog on Myspace when I checked out Katy Perry's blog. She looks cuute! Really. Now I feel like I'm cheating on Lily Allen. Oh well. The screenshots look really tiny though.

I've been feeling more of a loser lately. This isn't my fault? Maybe. I wanna wrap all of you up in re-used Christmas wrapper and ship you off to Easter Island.

Wait. The Bermuda Triangle. So you'd be lost forever.

P.S. I love it when you say *bleeep*. To me it sounds like "I love you." I pretend it does.

[Paddy, this isn't you. But you know this. And only you know this because Imma tell you when you wake up. Benefits of having your best friend and boyfriend all rolled into one.]

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