Since there is no internet (the bitchin’ network won’t let me access it!) I have no idea when you people can ever read this. That’s just plain sad I know. But there’s not much I can do except maybe pray really hard that it gets fixed by tomorrow. What else is there for me to say? Today’s date is March 4, 2009. It’s 8:42 p.m. Let’s see when I can get to post this, okay??
Now, I really have no idea what to say seeing as how things are pretty sucky as of this moment. I guess this is God’s way of making sure I do my term paper instead of slaving away in front of the laptop doing completely useless stuff. But whatever.. I DO have a lot to do though.
One good thing about today is that I FINALLY got that thing that I wanted but didn’t wanna say out loud coz it might get cursed.
I HAVE NEW NYLON!!! Yes. You heard/read that right. After months of waiting for NYLON to show up in the SC’s bookstore, they FINALLY got a new copy. And it’s on my bed as we speak. Okay, it’s not necessarily new per se, but the only things they got are the back issues. Girlfriend’s in the third world, remembah? So even if I can’t get my skinny little fingers on a new issue, I’m very much contented with the back issues. My current “new ” one is the September 2k8 one. The one with the 90210 girls on the cover. No, I don’t mean Tori Spelling.
Jessica Stroup looked freakin’ hot! Then again, she always does.
I have a toothache. And it actually hurt a teensy bit more when I typed that one out. *sigh*
I wish my boyfriend were here so he could do something to ease the life’s a bitch vibe brought about by the internet connection (or my lack thereof) and the excruciating (okay, a leeetle bit exaggerated but whatevs) bone ache I’m having… He always makes me feel loads better.
I remember one time when I was on my first day of my period. I had cramps and I was getting royally pissed with the world. I was upset about every little thing! So I took it out on Paddywaddy (this isn’t the first time). I remember trying to break up over a text message that came thirty seconds after I expected it. I wanted him to call. I wanted him to reply to my text messages with lightning speed. I called him names, spit out swear words like a sailor, and suspected him of cheating on me. Needless to say, I was girlfriend from hell. What did Paddy do? He’d tell me he understands that I’m on my period that’s why I’m having mood swings blah blah blah.. Why don’t I take a nap? Naturally, that pissed me off even more! But I did get a long and angry nap, and when I woke up I felt loads better and Paddy wasn’t mad at me at all! He was like, “How was your nap, babe? Are you feeling better? Did my Paigey drink her pain killers? ” that’s it. No “I never want you to do that to me again.” Or even a “I was upset with what you did please don’t do that again.”
I love Paddy. He’s the bestest. And I’m seeing him again this summer! Hooray!
I know I sound like the quintessential 17 year old with a boyfriend but I’m really really happy and I have no idea how long this lasts so I’m enjoying every moment.
I remember a time in my notso distant past that all I ever thought about was what would happen if Paddy and I broke up. I began to dissect every aspect of the relationship looking for little molehills that might turn into mountains. I was afraid he’d get someone new and ditch me or whatever. I kept thinking to myself “What if he’s not the one? OH NO! ”
Then I realized that was stupid. Really stupid. I guess now I’ve learned that you really do have to take it one day at a time. Stop thinking about the what-ifs that might never even happen. For me, what’s important is that both parties are happy in the relationship and that you have shared goals and expectations.
As far as I know, we both seem content with what we have and we both want to finish college, get jobs… and after that… who knows?
The long distance thing is hard. But look! After almost year we made it! Yay! I know long distance puts quite a strain on couples, especially new ones like ours. I was so scared at the beginning of the school year because whenever friends hear that I’m in a long-distance thing, initial reaction is usually “Mahirap ‘yan” or “Those never end well.” I think it’s done us more good actually.
You see, being away from each other, especially during the first year of college, allowed us to explore other options and experience things we wouldn’t have if we were at the same school, attached at the hip. I don’t think I’d be that open to new things or I’d have as many friends if Paddy were here. Not that he’s preventing me, but I guess it’s because of he were here, I’d focus all my attention on him instead of widening my horizons. We’d take up a lot of each other’s free time. I guess what I’m trying to say is this, the long distance allowed us to be ourselves.
To really maximize our potentials as individuals and not as a part of a couple. I was able to find out the things I want to do on my own instead of making sure Paddy was a part of every little thing I do. And despite being two, separate, and quite (different interests-wise) entities far away from each other, we managed to stay together. I guess that’s an accomplishment, more than anything else.
Congratulations to us, babe.
We deserve it.
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