Wednesday, November 12, 2008

frosted glass is sexy.


He pushed me...

...into the boy's bathroom once.

And blocked the door.

[You see, we dress up for exams. *sigh.]

and more Karen because she's my dark alter-ego.

Karen: I know. Let's take pictures of us eating all this food and then show it to some homeless person.
Jack: Karen. You are such a female Jesus.

Karen: Grace that blouse hurts like a hangover.

Karen: You know what else is sad? Poor people who have dreams.
Karen: Well that's not sad as much as it is extremely funny.

Karen: OK, rule number one. Unless you're served in a frosted glass, never come within four feet of my lips.

Grace: You said that money is no object.
Karen: Oh honey, that's just a saying, like 'Ooh. That sounds like fun.' or 'I love you'.

Karen: [to Jack] Oh, Honey. You're simple, you're shallow and you're a common whore. That's why we're soul mates.

Karen: She's gone to Mexico for face-lifts so many times, I'll bet if you whacked her head with a stick, prizes would fall out.

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