[this is to compensate for the absurdly crappy last post]
These past few days were supposed to be busy days, but after staying up and abusing Roberto's laptop, just so I could finish that impossibly annoying term paper, I decided that I deserved a break. And what better way to relax than to curl up with books, books, books. Yes. I am a bookstore kid. [insert picture of Paige at seven in a second-hand bookstore sniffling as she painfully returns a copy of the baby-sitter's club back on the shelf after being reprimanded of going above her 5 books only limit]. I once begged my grandmother to buy me twenty Sweet Valley books in one go. She complied after much arguing on the grounds that I shouldn't buy another book in a month. I agreed and she locked up the books so I could "moderate" my reading. Little did she know that I opened the cabinet anyway and finished all twenty books in one weekend. I've moved on to "grown-up" reading now (yeahrightpaige). Here's the books I devoured recently:
True Love by Robert Fulghum
Paddy introduced me to Robert Fulghum and I haven't been able to resist buying his books ever since. He's really good. Everytime I finish an essay I always go "aaaaaah.." . This one, however, is a bit different. This is a collection of love stories of sorts. Kinda like Chicken Soup. Except here, you see all kinds of love. One-minute affairs to suicidal eight-year olds. Then of course, his perspectives and such. I bought this book second-hand at a stall in Palma Hall. It had that second-hand smell that I love so much. It doesn't matter that it cost me 50% more than the others. It was gooooood.
Cirque Du Freak 2: The Vampire's Assistant by Darren Shan
Thankie, thankie Polo lurve for introducing me to this series and for painstakingly bringing the next one every week. This one's for vampire entusiasts who fell in love with Goosebumps. Yes. I know Goosebumps is a boy book. But whatever. I remember Michael Rojo lending me his Goosebumps books back in the third grade onwards (he had a HUGE collection). Come to think of it, he was the one who introduced me to Edgar Allan Poe too. Coolness.
Little Pink Slips by Sally Koslow

Sorta like Devil Wears Prada only less bitchy. Good happy read. Not very teenagery though. But a good one nonetheless, seeing as how I plan to be a magazine editor someday. Sofia lent me this one.
Scorpia by Anthony Horowitz

This is the last book in the Alex Rider Series. Sofia lent me this one too. She told me he was cool. Since I have this HUGE crush on Artemis Fowl, I thought I might as well give Alex Rider a try. And gosh did I fall in love with him too. I love Artemis Fowl because he's wickedly smart. I adore Alex Rider for the same reason. A fourteen year old spy for goodnessake. He's wicked cool. Period. The ending was unexpected and I hated it. 'Nuff said.
The Virgin Suicides by Jeffery Eugenides

I saw my roommate reading this one and I begged to have my turn after her. I've been after this book for quite some time now. After seeing it featured in magazines and stuff. IT DID NOT DISAPPOINT. It was a bit morbid, yet insightful. Well-written. I couldn't put it down. And I'm big on the movie. I'm buying a dvd.
I now have a Beerkada comic book in my bag courtesy of R.M. This copy had a dedication on it by Lyndon (the creator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). I grabbed it out of Popes' hands. Poor Popes. This one looks promising too.