Facebook has this app called LivingSocial where they let pick your top five whatevers. From the usual TV shows to "Top five people I want to punch in the face" which btw, I think is very mean. Anyway, I found some I took quite seriously and I found very entertaining.
Here they are. :]
1. Dragonauv SVD- when i found out zombies were involved I automatically thought: GUNS! I picked this one out because I love using it on Hitman. I know it's pretty impracticall to use a sniper rifle for a zombie attack but I prefer shooting them from as far as possible. I knew I should have some handguns ready. But still. I prefer to shoot from buildings or from my...
2. MH-60 Black Hawk-I knew zombies couldn't fly so I thought of this. I'm not sure if they could swim though, but I prefer flying. A private jet would be cool, but come on! What if one of them sneaks on board? Hmmm? Smaller space= easier detection of zombie stowaways. Also, I did some research and found my favorite: the MH-60L Direct action penetrator. According to Wikipedia,
"It is capable of being armed with Hellfire missiles, M230 Chain Gun 30 mm automatic cannon, Hydra 70 2.75-inch (70 mm) rockets, as well as M134D gatling guns operated as door guns or fixed forward." It got me at Hellfire missiles. I'm in love. <3
3. Food-duh. How will I survive!?!?
4. GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb (MOAB)- I thought of a nuclear bomb
but assuming that I'm the only one left or something,how in the world will I pull it off without
getting killed?!? Besides, it's been nicknamed the "Mother Of All Bombs" for a reason. :) One
major point I overlooked though, I can't carry that on my Black Hawk. Boo.
5. Flamethrower -dude, zombies. FLAMETHROWERS ARE THE WAY TO GO! Have you
or haven't you seen I am Legend?!? Besides, those zombies are as braindead as I think, then my
flamethrower is so gonna kick ass. Whootwhoot!!
Top Five People I Want On My Side In A Bar Fight.
1. Wolverine-Dude with the Wolverine on your side ho can you lose? Huh? Huh? He's Wolverine!!! Funny. He's the first person I though of when I saw "bar fight". I can just imagine him ripping them to shreds.
2. The Human Torch-First: He's HOT. Second: I have a thing for flamethrowers. Third: I just have a thing for Chris Evans and I'd love to see him whup ass.
3. David Rice-If you haven't seen the movie Jumper, David Rice is, well, a jumper. A jumper has the ability to "jump" from place to place just by thinking about it. I think that's really cool. That's a power I've always wanted. When the bar fight gets ugly, David can get me out of there in a sec. That and Hayden's looking fiiine. :)
4. Optimus Prime- Okay. OPTIMUS PRIME. At first I wanted The Hulk but OPTIMUS PRIME. I'll type that again. OPTIMUS PRIME! OPTIMUS PRIME! 'Nuff said. YEAH!
5. Natasha Romanova-I wanted to put in Angelina or a character she played in the movies (because we all know she kicks butt and I love her.) These days however, I'm loving a new girl. It all started when Dom changed his Plurk name. I was distressed for a while then he recomended Natasha Romanoff (or Romanova), aka the Black Widow. Well duh. Martial arts, military and espionage training, complete with hypnosis... What's not to like?!? She's the only one on the list without superpowers or nonhuman characteristics, making her triple cool. Another thing is that she's Russian and rumored to be related to Russia's last czars, oh and an accomplished ballerina at that! She's like Anastacia in a black jumpsuit. Sexy.